Modernization services offer a variety of migrations.

IE to Chrome/Edge migration service
Go take advantage of the latest browsers!
Internet Explorer ("IE") is a web browser developed by Microsoft.
IE was the standard browser for Windows for a long time until it was replaced by Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, and Microsoft recommends moving to the latest browser to support latest web systems continuously.
Since the launch of Windows 10, Document Mode is scheduled to be discontinued and Microsoft recoomends not to use it.Web pages and applications with Document Mode needs to be updated to support the latest features, browsers, and devices.
[reference]Document modes are deprecated
IE to Chrome/Edge
- To migrate from IE to Chrome/Edge, javascript and css changes are required.
- We incorporate our own libraries to ensure efficient migration.
- Some features work in IE but not in Chrome/Edge. We are proposing an alternative way for these.
What is IE compatibility mode?
- This mode is for IE8 to IE11 to behave as IE7, and is not available in other browsers such as Edge and Chrome.
- With IE11, it is possible to specify a past version of IE to run by using the developer tools.
- Document mode is deprecated and Microsoft has deprecated its use.
- This compatibility mode is not supported in IE mode in Edge.
Problems to use IE compatibility mode today.
- Web technology is evolving every day. If you continue to use IE, you will not be able to take advantage of the newest technologies and use more efficient applications.
Service Details
We offer the following migration services

VB6 to .NET (C#, VB.NET) / ASP to ASP.NET
We have accumulated expertise in many cases of canceling compatibility mode in the above services.
Service Steps
1. Quotation
- Estimate using the Estimator tool.
2. Receipt of source code
- After signing the contract, you will be required to provide source code.
3. Conversion by Tools
- Conversion is performed using our tools.
4. CSS modification
- Modify the CSS to make it as close as possible to how it will look in IE.
5. Testing and manual modification
- Test for normal operation and perform manual conversion if necessary.
Service price
The price of the service is determined by the quantity of codes to be covered. Please contact us for service pricing.